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Here are a few testimonials from my lovely clients:


My teenage son ...

Edd has been training with my TEENAGE son (14years)  for 4 months.
His work is both trusting and outstanding . Not only has he provided work outs and goals he has supported and encouraged.

He has taught my son not only how to train or workout but mentored , educated and supported the whole time . My son was struggling with the body changes and was not happy in himself in his weight and shape. It was effecting him as a person in that he had no confidence and was always moody and carried himself in a very unconfident way.
He has now gained so much knowledge and self discipline being taught the correct way .
As a parent i would recommend Edd as a trusted positive well knowledgeable personal trainer for any young person feeling the strains of both growing up and going through a lockdown .
I would recommend Edd to any parent that is looking to improve their child's physical health,  mental health and most importantly teach them about their health .


Lucy Gower (Mum)


Training as a couple we thought would be a disaster. I’m over 6 feet and my wife just over 5 feet but Edd has made it work and it has now become a routine we both enjoy together.
Edd has a knack to bring the best out of you and challenge you to go that little bit further. The exercise routines are so varied and its never the same and all are explained on how they will improve our fitness, core and cardio health.
Both of us after making the commitment now genuinely look forward to our sessions and the challenges Edd brings to us. We feel better, fitter and more motivated to take on the challenges life throws at you.

Rob and Jo


I joined Edd Court PTI in July 2020 after hitting rock bottom with my appearance and self esteem. With lack of exercise and poor diet, my fitness was almost non-existent and my wardrobe stopped fitting. Edd took the time to tailor-make a nutrition and exercise plan for at home,  as well as twice-weekly regimes within his studio. Within 12 weeks I lost the weight I had gained during lockdown, I knocked 14 years off of my metabolic age, making me younger than my actual age, and helped me to achieve the goals I set. This was not a quick fix, but with his help and guidance, I have managed to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Sarah G


Edd Court came highly recommended to us by my sister and husband.
The Covid Kilos had crept up and we needed some help with our diet and fitness. 

After an initial consultation including food diaries, body measurements and our fitness levels all recorded Edd produced a very helpful report.
Well what a transformation, body strength, weight, inches and mental wellbeing have all improved. 

Luckily this has continued during lockdown via Zoom PT sessions.

Amazing job Edd, thank you for your encouragement, energy and patience.

Mark & Mandy A


I started working with Edd in 2013 primarily because I didn’t want to hit 50 years old unfit and flabby.  I did two sessions a week and made steady progress building up my strength and fitness.

In March 2014 my life changed overnight when I contracted Sepsis. After a month in hospital, I left in a wheelchair unable to walk unaided, 2 stone lighter but very lucky to be alive.


Edd’s patience and commitment to my 5-year recovery was truly amazing, not only in helping me build back my physical health but also helping with my mental strength and more recently working with my nutritional needs.  


Edd tailors every program to suit your specific needs.  His dedication to helping you achieve the best results possible is second to none and I have no hesitation in recommending him on every level. 


Thanks for your continued support Edd.  I simply can’t imagine life without you! 


Debbie P


There was I drifting into my mid 50’s acceptant of the fact of my aches and pains and that my regular visits to Physios and Chiropractors to counteract them were just normal for a 50 something year old but then a friend recommended Edd.
Having tried others PT's over the years I had never really engaged with the individual and certainly none had inspired me to achieve and improve my general fitness and well being.
Bang. Edd has changed that for me. Aches and pains that I had routinely suffered have now reduced and or disappeared as my fitness and strength have gained. Sure there are now other aches but only positive ones and ones I feel good to have them.
Lifestyle was reviewed and adjusted albeit not as rigorously as Edd would like but awareness is higher and now I have guilt to keep me as balanced as possible.
Either in person or through Zoom in this latest lockdown it has been an inspiration.




After separating from my twins dad in 2018 I had started to feel very low and my confidence completely knocked. I lost so much weight due to stress and started to look unwell. After a year or so I started feeling myself again and then the weight started to come back but it came on quickly.
I started hating how I looked and my energy levels became very low I didn't want to do anything other than sleep or sit on the sofa. Being a single mum working full time I had no time to do anything about this at all.

In 2020 I lost my job due to Covid and I started feeling very low once again. I then started a new job 3months later which is how I met Edd. I asked for some help on trying to build up my energy levels and try and find some motivation.


So we started off slow and then started building up the fitness level. In one of my PT sessions I had a complete breakdown and just burst into tears but we stopped and chatted about how I was feeling. Which I took the opportunity to just let everything out that I had been building up for a very long time. Since then I have been able to do my PT sessions knowing that if I need to I can talk to Edd about absolutely anything with the full confidence there’s no judgement and it stays between client and coach. I still struggle a lot with my confidence especially in certain areas but that is something that we are working on and I know with his help I will get a lot better. 


Not only has Edd helped me through my darkest days but I have also gained a friend who I know will be there when times get tough. 

Thank you so much Edd 


Jemma S


Hi my name is Sam.


I am 25 years old and I have cerebral palsy, a disability which means I cannot walk. I have been under many different hospitals where I’ve had to undergo surgery on my legs.


On July 17th 2012 I was told by my consultant that there was nothing more they could do for me. It was then that I got very lucky, because just a week later I had an opportunity to do some work experience at my local gym.

It is there that I was fortunate enough to meet a personal trainer called Edd. He is such a lovely person. He took over as my personal trainer and did not take any payment from me.

 Edd adapted the treadmill by putting straps around me so I didn’t fall off and tied straps to my legs so that I could use the weights. Edd also got me to use crutches. I had never been able use them before as my balance wasn’t good and I didn’t have enough confidence.


Edd also got in the swimming pool with me. Also under his influence I was able to do a mini triathlon, did a sponsored swim for charity and I was also able to walk a mile on my crutches which I wouldn’t have been able to do without Edd’s encouragement.

I don’t just see Edd as my trainer he is also part of my family and has been a good friend.


Sam D


My son met Edd when he was doing a work placement at the local gym.  My son has cerebral palsy and is quadriplegic.  They hit it off immediately and Edd became Sam’s personal trainer.  They have worked together for years.  Edd designed a programme especially for Sam’s abilities, Sam used the treadmill (which Edd adapted), Edd trained Sam on how to use the weights safely and on many other aspects to help with his muscle tightness.   Edd has worked really hard to give Sam the confidence to be able to attend the gym on his own and carry on the workouts that were pre-planned by Edd.  Sam has become very confident in the gym, which would never have been possible if Edd hadn’t come along and taken Sam under his wing.  They have formed a friendship that now goes beyond the gym and they see each other socially.  As a family we will be forever grateful for what Edd has taught Sam and the confidence and independence that Sam has since shown. 


Carole D

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